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Our Actions So Far

SS6 was not included in the Council's original plan and consultation in 2016.   We believe that this is a fundamental failure to consult properly and conflicts with the council's own consultation procedure.  This has meant that the communtiy has not had an opportunity to have any input to the plans for this site.

When the site was allocated in the revised Local Plan that was published in July 2018 we made detailed technical representations to both NFDC and the subsequent Local Plan Examination in 2019.  For full details for the content including links to the repsonses from the site promoters and the NFDC see below.


Local Plan Examination Website

PALLS Objection

We responded to the NFDC's 2018 Local Plan Consultation with evidence to show that building on SS6 would be detrimental to the area known as The Lanes.

Ridgeway Lane Autumn.jpg

PALLS Statements to Local Plan Examination

Our evidence to the Local PlanExamination.


Site Promoters Statement to Local Plan Examination

We have scrutinised the written statement submitted by the developer of SS6.  It contains a Transport Feasibility Study that HCC refused to allow us to see under the Freedom of Information Act.  It is lengthy - 473 pages and does not restrict itself to the 3000 word limit.


However, if you scroll through, you will see plans for the development of SS6 as well as the plans for the realignment of the junction with Poles Lane and Ridgeway Lane and the new estate which are also shown on this page.  


Freedom of Information Requests

 Follow the link to see information that we have gained through freedom of information requests.

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Lack of Democracy on SS6

Our objections, hundreds of them, have been ignored by the District Council.

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